as last friday, i went to book fair after english class n a meeting for project management. the venue was at
PWTC...pheww....dat day was great! i added my novel collections on HLOVATE's and IMAEN's. hehe..(dun blame me mum, u know who started my crazyness!)
then while having lunch, my frens asking for me to go and support my class futsal
team practice at stapak futsal court (i think so). i went there wit karun (which kinda paksa me to be there) n nik ida. so we go there, getting with others and into da court.
aku cari tempat lepak tepi court je but i didnt know it was wrong idea to stay in court while others keep practicing futsal. another minutes then, i was kene REMBAT dengan apau!!!!!
hadoi la....sakit gle...tepat kene pale lak tuh. lbih 20 mins aku xleh gerak. nk bukak mata pun seksa. da la pakai contact lens...haru laaa.....
cuak gle apau dengan karun. but i'm not blaming them. bukan sengaja pun. after an hour, i'm getting better. aku lompat skit to show them not to worried much. da rain after dat killin takes my head spinning again but i'm not showing it to others. not to make them more worry of me.
the effects takes until rite now (after 3-days incident). on saturday, my concusion getting worst. i vomits after taking b1st and lunch. my head spinning, n i couldnt even stand still, cant open my eyes, cant makes many movements. sampai nk type message to my bf pun menggigil. he called me then coz he worried and ask me to go to haspital. but unit pesakit luar is off on weekend. he ask me to admit emergency, i said no. we have arguments while i'm in pain. it SUCKS!!! he even told me not to tell anything to him anymore (he's sulking), juz becoz i'm not considering his suggestions. i knew he so worried n concerned, but i'm not going juz becoz of that.
then today (monday), i'm getting better. but since there are many who worried about me, my housemate, my frens n da bf who so far away, i juz go to have checkups at HKL (even da bf ask me to have CT scan, which i said "overboard"). after few checkups and meetings, da doc said i having general concusion + jangkitan virus.. phewww...
see, there's nothing to worried about guys. i knew my conditions well. i knew i didnt need da doc to said so. i knew i had concusion even i didnt know the level. n its stated "GENERAL" only. i even not taking da medicine, baik bagi pada yang lebih layak. i didnt need it, ok.
da concusion will takes few weeks to recovered (maybe 2-3 weeks). i'm suggested not to involved with any sports, not having stress, not to this, not to that...(haiiyaaa...). it already makes me sick!
so meanwhile, i will not pamper my self out of what da doc said. my life will run completely as i want to. nothing will stop me. called me STUBBORN as if i didnt know!!!
n apau, even i'm forgiving u now, doesnt mean that i'm giving second chance to do another rembat.. try me.
hey ! hope you're ok now... and happy reading..
i'm ok now, of coz.
if not, my calcium supplements and da scott emulsions my mum gave me wud be a waste
you are lucky cause the ball no really hit u at you.btw relive to hear you are ok..
actually apau can kick ball at very fast speed.
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