on da bus, b4 departing
huhu..on 18th April 2009 (my lil bro bebday also), we're going to Woods Camp, Ulu Yam.
Man...its crazy fun u know?
we we're arriving there at 9.10 a.m. and got
simple briefing for our accomodation. i'm staying in a tent wit nik ida n paez. free space for us..huhu.
we then given a grup for some activities, n free time to do watever until lunch. i'm in grup 4, together wit malik cdds, ida ccss, fiza ccns (my classmate) ali cbds (haha..lengkap sume ccsp student cos). then we brainstorming da presentation for dat nite. da plan was: make simple play n sing. huhu. da song is quite jiwang...garu kepala jugak la aku. but then, its ok lor...xsemestinyer kne wat yg aku ske je kan. huhu.
after lunch, we have sukaneka at 2 p.m. kinda fun! first game we have 'lambong belon' and keep it. we lost. sad. but then after the game,we can trew it to whoever. hoho. i trew it to mr. naga but not reaching him. pecah kat tangan sendri. alamak. he then pointing at me like said: "you're dead meat!" haha. gurau je. 2nd game we have 2 telan anything given by committee. 5 things are: biskut kering, roti wit wasabi, telur mentah, kopi pekat, n roti wit fresh cili burung. hoho. da team let me choose kopi pekat. xda hal beb, mmg gua ske pun. hoho. senang je aku telan. yg len mmg terkulat2 la gak. pas game, free time lagi. aku ngn geng2 memeng+paez+arif n awek die, malik, n rest g lpak kat stream area atas skit dri tempat camping. mmg best siott..enjoy abis. even ade yg kitorang xknal, tp masuk je korum. lapk2 sampai nk senja br aku kuar dr air. then kne bratur cri toilet bersih. ingat nk guna toilet chalet memeng, but there already too many line up for turn. sir mus let us to borrow his chalet.
after maghrib n dinner, i n my team practice for our play. n after isya' da presentation started. we got da last number to play. (i dun have any pic here. i'll add it up later, insyaAllah). my frens said i was miming. hoho. not miming la dey, small voice. i kinda afraid of staying on stage. it aint my place! hoho. wat to do lorr...
after finish, we have little game but not very interesting. also have camp fire too. but its ok, just to kill time b4 we have our 'blind walk' on 12 a.m. but sad, xjadi lak. everyone was so tired, it was cancelled.
i having problem to sleep in da tent. lantai die sejuk sgt, n i have athma. not good for me. tapi tido je la...nk wat lagu mana. semalam je pun.
next day we have pocor2 dance. i was one of instructor. hoho (also dun have pic on dis. i'll try to search for it from my fren later, insyaAllah). 1st time, sume lintang pukang. huhu. yg melompat2 pn ada (ahmad n ayie i noticed). but 2nd time much better. everyone enjoy it n ask for more.
on 10 a.m., we have treasure hunt. it was fun coz all in my team so enthusiastic, specially malik. he always runnin from one point to another and make rest in team runnin too. n da result: we WON!!!! hoho. exciting feelings, hehe. specially for malik, coz he work so hard on it (actually on every game we have). da game end n we have free time again until lunch (every free time i spent in da water..huhu)
after have lunch, aku berendam jap (sempat aje...). then on 2 we start our blind soccer. my team lost. my blind google was so 'blinded'. i cannot see anything. sumer orang men langgar2 aku.huuu..mentang2 aku kecik.memeng pun tersepak kaki aku. the end of game, sir naga join it n his team won. dats first time i ever seen he actually join da activity.
we end up our day wit penyampaian hadiah and team 4 got no. 2!! sumthing i never expected. then we exchange our gift wit each other n take pics altogether.
so, after got back to reality, nik ida said dat she left sumthing in da bus. at first, i dun bother, but then when she said, my things also in it too. terus lutut jadi lembik! alahai...nk wat caner. da jadi. nk marah pn xleh da. halal je la...
conclusion: I REALLY DO ENJOY DA EVENT!!!. it quite facinating n meet lots of new fren too. i hope to join it next time. huhu.
my pic????? hahahahahah... well nice to meet you
hehe... i'm sorry k... time goggle football kte belanggar then kaki sme2 sakit... tp mmg klakar kan... haha...
Glad you enjoyed it and also glad I didn't let you all down wth my promises of a good time and fun at this camp. The next camp ? --it won't be from sunnysideup production anymore. Its time someoneone else take over.Too much hard work !
I'll stick to bowling. phewwww....
eh ya ka.. aku x pasti sepa langgar hahahahha.. aku kan buta time tu hahahahha
hoho..its ok memeng. i shud expected those things to happen. huhu. inipun kira less injured la gak berbanding camping events akak yg lpas2
mne aku de amik gmbar ko helas. huhu
ow ada laa.. tym mandi main belon ada tu hehehhe nanti aku kasi tgk ek hahah
ye la..tapi itu org len nyer camera. ko anta kt aku la...its really appreciated!
InsyaAllah... i'll try ma best... wahahahaha
hoho..tu pasal aku sayang sama kau lebih skit....hehe
makaseh.. tp ko sayang monyet lebih bnyak hahahahahahaaha
owh...itu sudah mesti...hahahaha
sebab die comel skit dari ko..wakakakakaka
tp paling best tk sangka kump 4 menang..hohohoho!!
ya x sangka juga kump yg kurang orng boleh JOHAN hehehehehhe
During goggle football games org taw sape pijak kaki org, coz i'd recognized him shirt.
pas game org gtaw die than he'd said sori..
its ok xde menda pown kate kan games, yup im enjoyed too. Ahaks!
uhuk2 aqYGxDanggap, aku terguris mndngarnya hahahah
hoho...btol3...manyak btol..
ceh helas...nk gak die blagak yer..
ya la ya la.... sepa la aku... hanya ikan bilis d lautan..... ahaks
ceh...emo lak die...
nka ku pujuk ker???
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