364-Grinning Revengers 12:10 AM

I luv Aizen-sama..eventhough he is a bad guy. afterall, maybe i just luv bad guy...hehe


Azhar85 said...

Now..that a bad habits..huhuhu :P

babyComebaCk143 said...

wat to do..
there's a tale about "bad guy luv their women more"..
well, i dun noe where i heard about it but..
i just luv anti-heroic guy! hehe

Azhar85 said...

"there's a tale about "bad guy luv their women more".."

Where's you heared about this crap rumors..huhuhu..

Emm..if you love bad guy..then ur previous boyfriend must be a bad guy...then he left you..so yea..the rumors true in this phase..

"there's a tale about "bad guy luv their women more and dump their woman more after that.."

huhuhu...sorry if this offence you..but is this what you wanted?..then served you right..huhuhu

p/s : I'm realist..not fantasiest..

babyComebaCk143 said...

wah...best eh padan kan muka org..
its ok, tak heran pon..
org yg ske padan2 kan muka org ni, Allah akan kasi tunjuk lak kt die kn..amiinn..

u cakap ape pon, i knew myself better.
n i knew wat i shud get.

u just dun know me, stop pretend dat u r.

Azhar85 said...

i told the right thing..bukan nak padan kan muka awk..cuma ini realiti cik..(nama awk)..

xde nye laki-laki jahat nak sayang awek die lebih-lebih..kalau tak.. x le nama dia lelaki jahat..mesti ditukarkan ke lelaki baik..

awk jgn le terasa..sy cuma nak perbetulkan keadaan..memang sy x kenal awk..sbb awk x pernah cerita ape pun ttg awk kt sy..so sy tulis berdasarkan pemikiran sy..sorry la k..

awk nanti dpat lelaki baik2...sorry k..

babyComebaCk143 said...

serves you right= padan muka awak
itu la yg saya paham
n sy ckup pantang dgn org yg rajin nak memadan kan muka org ni.
sbb setahu sy, Allah bagi bahagian yang perfect tuk hamba2nya

tapi xpe la. awk da mintak maap
sy maapkan

spe kte laki yg tinggalkan sy tuh jahat
tu bukan consider jahat
sy kapel ngn orang baik2 je
die ade sbb la tuh, n kitorg xde jodoh
xde pon sy nk marahkan die sgt
sbb hidup sy terlalu indah utk dicacatkan dgn negativity. think at bright side, n Allah alwayz wit me

Azhar85 said...

Emm..i hope you will find happiness with your choice... :)

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